WebTrainer Coaching

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Welcome! We helped pioneer online training over twenty-five years ago. We know what works. We design a custom-tailored set of recommendations based on your goals, your body’s needs, time and equipment requirements, workout history, and training desires. Whether you are enrolled in a skills class or signed up to do a trek or climb, we can help you prepare safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Body Results coaches provide you with:

WebTraining is for...

Self-directed athletes who have a specific mountain objective

Individuals seeking a collaborative partner to help them navigate abundant training information

People discharged from physical therapy who want help preparing effectively for the rigors of their alpine sport

Outdoor enthusiasts wanting guidance in improving multiple dimensions of their health

WebTraining process:

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Coach Court at Office Desk

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Satisfied customers are saying…

Before my husband Marty and I set off to ski solo across Antarctica to the South Pole, we had to get in the best shape of our lives. We turned to Coach Court from Body Results to help us build our strength and stamina. Her customized training routines changed every 4-6 weeks to keep workouts fresh and challenging. Our work with Coach Court helped ensure that our bodies and minds could withstand the rigors of a polar expedition. In the end, we skied 570 miles while pulling 200-pound sleds for 48 days, without incurring injury — and we made it to the South Pole! – Chris Fagan, adventurer, speaker and award-winning author of The Expedition

Goal: Ski Unsupported to the South Pole

Thanks, Doug. What a trip. Your training program helped a ton! I felt like I was one of the most fit people there thanks to you. The training worked well to ramp up over a long period. It also helped to combine sessions to simulate real difficulty. What I learned is people need to be very proficient with the rest step and pressure breathing. Being used to dramatic exposure on both rock and ice is crucial. And it’s imperative that people are comfortable climbing on rock and ice with crampons – I’d recommend lots of crampon work on rocks. -Adam

Goal: Train for Mt. Everest

The morning I started my climb of Denali with Alpine Ascents International (May 6), there were 6 clients and I was by far the oldest in the group. I am 48 and the average age was 29. I did not let this intimidate me because I had trained with Coach Court of Body Results. My pre-existing knee problems that precluded an attempt at this trip in the previous year were never an issue on this trip. The weather was typical for this mountain: a few sunny days and a lot of stormy ones. Being one of the first guided groups on the mountain was nice. It was very cold but you developed a sense of camaraderie with the few other groups in the camps. Our summit day started out nice but when we got to Denali Pass it started to snow. One other group that was trying to summit that day turned around but our guide decided to move up. When we got to the last hill, Pig Hill, the clouds drifted away and the sun came out. We had spectacular views from the summit. Heading back down we were able to watch the sun setting on the Autobahn heading into camp at 17,000.

Goal: Return to Denali for a Successful Climb

On June 18, I made my fifth summit of Mt. Hood in as many years via the West Crater Rim. This climb was very special to me for a couple of reasons. It was my birthday present to myself and it was also one of my teammates’ birthday – so we had a lot to celebrate. The West Crater Rim is a step up in difficulty over the standard Pearly Gates or Old Chute route that most folks take to the summit of Mount Hood. It has long steeper pitches and a very exposed traverse to the summit. This particular route has haunted me a bit. Four years prior, I attempted the same route and had to turn around early in the day because I was not mentally or physically ready for it. It was soon after that experience that I started training with Coach Court at Body Results. Thanks to her coaching and advice, this year I knew that I would be better prepared and hoped that I would be able to summit. We topped out just above the Leuthold Couloirs and had breathtaking views down the north side of Mt. Hood to Cooper Spur and the Elliot Glacier. Crossing the ridge was a little anxiety inducing as the width was just a few feet across in places. The brief ascents and descents along the ridge that we had to cover made it a little more interesting but we were all smiles as we had the summit in view. The tough part of the climb was behind us. Soon we were at the top of Oregon’s tallest peak and I finally attained the goal that I made nearly four years before. Thanks Courtenay! -Jennifer

Goal: Climb Mt. Hood

The Grand Canyon trip was GREAT!!!! It was also a real challenge. We ultimately hiked about 70 miles and closed it out with a 3500-foot climb out of the Canyon. The heat hit 100 degrees many days, so we did most of our hiking before dawn. The views were spectacular, and it was a unique opportunity to get into the heart of the Canyon. I doubt that anyone can ever really know that Canyon as it is so big and so complex. I can’t tell you how many times we commented on how well prepared we were physically and how often we mentioned to other participants how valuable you and the Body Results programs that you put together for us were.

Goal: Hike the Grand Canyon – Pam and Peter, California

We reached the summit of Kilimanjaro on July 25 at 6:54 am (Tanzania time). Enjoyed the sunrise at Stella Point. We were so prepared! What a great experience! The trip to the summit of Kilimanjaro exceeded our expectations. The big takeaway: you have to be prepared, and we were. And you were so right – the summit is very “mental.” -Mary Ann and Marc

Goal: Summit Kilimanjaro

After conducting a thorough assessment, Coach Court prepared a daily calendar that included a balance of aerobic conditioning, resistance and stretching exercises, and weekend hikes. All I had to do was follow the schedule. We met again at the end of the first month, and I got a new program to accommodate several business trips that left me without access to a full gym. On Whitney, after the first couple of hours, the wisdom of her conditioning program became obvious. As we gained elevation and the route got steeper, the rationale behind the training elements became apparent, and I regularly found myself thinking, “Now I understand the value of those step-ups,” or “I feel the same muscles that started to burn during the leaning lunges. -Jonathan

Goal: Climb Mt. Whitney – Jonathan

I can’t thank you enough for the six-month intensive training program you provided leading up to my climbing of Denali. The individual attention you gave me kept me energized, focused and interested. I was impressed by your ability to help me simultaneously train for extreme strength demands (e.g., carrying 120 pounds of gear) as well as extreme endurance (e.g., ascending almost 20,000 vertical feet). While the climb was physically challenging, I was amazed by how prepared my body felt. And this was despite knee problems resulting from two reconstructive knee surgeries. – Susan

Goal: Prepare for the Demands of Denali – Susan, Washington

Thanks for the congratulations. It is really as much of an accomplishment for you to have gotten me in this shape as it was for me to get to the top of Mt. Rainier. I couldn’t have done it without you. The program you set up for me was never overwhelming and was very sustainable for me. I really liked the step-by-step guidance in slowly but steadily getting my body where it needed to be. I am proud of myself that I stuck to the program, and can hardly believe I actually climbed two big mountains in one month. A lot of my friends, family and co-workers really didn’t believe I would stick to it and follow it through, so it has been fun to watch them eat their words. I thought I’d put together a summary of my “Body Results” over the last year: Weight Dropped 20 pounds Pant Size Dropped 6 sizes Cholesterol Dropped 28 points into “healthy” LDL Dropped 36 HDL Increased 11 Miles Hiked 370 elevation gained 157960 feet I have more muscle mass, less fat, I sleep better, my moods stay much more even, I have more energy, and I eat more healthy, feel better and more confident, improved self-esteem. It has been a very positive experience, and making it to the top of Mt. Rainier was really icing on the cake. -Rachel (*What’s more, her daughter came to us this summer, 15 years later, and replicated her mom’s success! It runs in the family!)

Goal: Climb Mt. Rainier

It [the Mont Blanc Circuit] was a fabulous trip…and your training was invaluable. I honestly don’t think I would have been able to do it had I not followed your plan for the few months leading up to our departure. Thanks so much for all your help. I’ll certainly recommend you to anyone who would like to train for similar outings or trips. — Debbie

Goal: Train for Mt. Blanc Hike


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